Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why a Creation Care Blog?

Hi there . . . I started this blog . . . Creation Care . ..  because I wanted to address the movement among Christians to care for our environment . . .  I think this is a good movement . . . and I hope to add to it . . .  Caring for the Creation that God has made for us is part of the stewardship that is expected of us as God's children. 

I also think it is good to start this blog because there has been a lot of liberal media trying to say that people with conservative viewpoints . . . such as Christians  . .  do not care about the environment . . . Personally  . . . I think that was all they could think of to say  . . . . because yes. . ..   we conservatives put a greater value on HUMAN life than that of the environment . . .  as it should be . . .  However . . .  I believe that in reality . . .  having conservative viewpoints . . .  actually saves the environment more than any of the liberal movements . . .

- Creation Chick